Marie Martin, NLP Kelowna, BC, Canada.
“I did NOT think this would work for my Dad – he is a pretty stubborn non-believer in this “CRAP” .. so I used the ‘Strong Mind’ sentence. The Story… not that you need to know … he has cancer in his chest, stomach and lymph and has had really bad pain in his stomach. So I did the spin the pain with him… Dad said……”NO – THAT’S NOT WORKING, I will try it when I get off the phone.”
So I said “Its okay Dad, I have loads of time lets try it again!” Dads response… “Bloody Hell it worked! NO PAIN!”
I had him see a gear stick – as he was a lorry driver – labeled pain and told him he could “Down Gear” whenever he wanted! I left him pain free – with a promise to call him every day with one new tool for him to use… calibration skills said that is PLENTY!
Thank you, Thank you THANK YOU !! The fact that I can do something to help from the other side of the world is HUGE for me and my Dad! Now I have a hard time reaching him, he’s out having fun bowling every day.”
People like Marie say “I love my NLP Mind.”