Time distortion is relative to our experience of time.
NLP provides ways of using your mind to experience time distortion.
You often hear people say “The years seem to go by faster the older I get.”. Their experience of time is perceived as a relative chunk of their lifetime. 1 year is 1/10 of their lifetime when they are 10 years old and 1 year is 1/50 of their lifetime when they are 50 years old, thus causing year 50 to seem like it passes 5 times faster than did year 10.
Time is distance divided by velocity T = D/V. It’s how fast you go the distance.
When we talk about time distortion, it’s easy to think that we’re talking about changing time. What we are really talking about is changing our perception of how fast time passes.
It’s about speed, not time. V = D/T
Calibrations of Distance: Increasing the frequency of distance calibrations (i.e. checking each Inch/Centimeter) creates time distortion that slows the speed of distance, making it seem to pass slowly. Reducing the frequency of distance calibrations (i.e. checking each Foot/Meter) creates time distortion that speeds up distance, making it seem to pass quickly.
i.e. How much time will it seem to take to travel 100 kilometers (100,000 meters) in 1 hour:
- checking your progress every 10 kilometer.
- checking your progress every 1 kilometer.
Calibrations of Time: Increasing the frequency of time calibrations (i.e. watching the clock) creates time distortion that slows the speed of time, making it seem to pass slowly. Reducing the frequency of time calibrations creates time distortion that speeds up time, making it seem to pass quickly.
i.e. How much time will it seem to take to travel 100 kilometers (100,000 meters) in 1 hour:
- checking your progress every 10 minutes.
- checking your progress every 1 minute.
Internal Focus: Calibrations of time and distance require external focus of attention. Increasing external attention can slow down our experience of time and distance.
- Internal attention, thinking about an object, person or idea, reduces the frequency of external calibrations and speeds up our experience of time and distance.
- Internal experience of time, distance and velocity are easily changed with our imagination when we are “lost in thought”.
- Time, thought and energy are dimensions of our experience of physical space, all three are required to experience the other dimensions of reality.
External Reality: Flying back and forth to the other side of the planet, it’s possible to physically time travel. It just takes distance and velocity (time) to do it. An 11 hr flight from Shanghai to Vancouver arrives 2 hrs before it left! Now that’s time distortion.